"The drama continues in Volume Two of Kingpin Wifeys. The girlfriends, Lani, Jada, and Starr are once again put to the test. Their relationships are pushed to the limits, and in some cases to the breaking point. After a devastating loss in Volume One, Lani is trying to pick up the pieces and move on with her life. But her past is not far behind her and she once again finds herself in the middle of a heated situation between Black and Mike.
Betrayal runs deep as Starr uncovers disturbing evidence about Trey s indiscretion. But it also gives her the push she needs to follow and fulfill her dreams. She is determined to do whatever is necessary to make her dreams a reality – even if it means betraying Trey. Meanwhile, Jada and Shamari make drastic changes in an effort to remain free and hold on to their status. But time and luck may not be on their side. At the end of Volume Two, all hell will break loose, hearts will be broken, new alliances formed and a dangerous situation threatens to take away everything from one Kingpin Wifey"
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