In this installment of the Godsend Series, Amber Gehring commits a selfish act that puts her life in danger. When Avery Cameron Granite kidnaps her daughter and the young babysitter, Echo, Kiandra, Brian and Needles must move quickly to find them. With Avery’s money, good woman, and escape plan, they must use violent pressure and FBI tricks to get to him. Mike Hudson hires Godsend Investigations to clear his name after being suspected of killing his wife. His 14 year old son, Mike-Mike, also wants to know who killed his mom but when Echo is caught by Sheronda Foster’s husband in a sexual act, the case suddenly gets complicated. In the thirteenth book of the series, they learn a valuable lesson in the Mojave Desert when Echo passes out due to dehydration. In the fourteenth book, Brian and Echo investigate a suspicious suicide in Michigan where they confront a suspect in an auto body repair shop. However, when Echo shoots a client in the ass with an FBI gun, it gets Brian and Echo into trouble with the agency so they shut down Godsend Investigations for good. In this fifteenth book of the series, an elaborate plot runs through Brooklyn, South Bronx, Queens, Alabama and Pennsylvania as Big Pat’s armored truck robbery and murder leaves him with half a million in cash. This leads to a shootout in Crown Heights where a female suspect is kidnapped and her boyfriend is thrown from a 10th floor window.